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When you join the PTO, you become a general member for this school year.  Your membership fee directly benefits all of our students and teachers by providing funds for everything from grounds beautification, to our student agendas, Teacher of the Year awards, seasonal decorations throughout the building, student recognition events, and in-class curriculum support.

We also have volunteer opportunities of all kinds. Getting involved through the PTO is a great way to connect to all that is happening at Cogburn Woods. We understand that everyone has commitments, and we want you to know that joining the PTO does NOT obligate you to volunteer.

Joining the CWE PTO involves two main steps:

Register your family information on Membership Toolkit (MTK).

Purchase a PTO Membership.

The Cogburn Woods PTO uses Membership Toolkit to stay in touch with email communications, provide a directory to all families, and track membership and fundraising.

Click here to register.  It's FREE!

Joining our secure system is free and allows you to:
Stay connected to other Cogburn Wood families via online and your phone
Purchase membership and make donations online and from your phone
Keep up to date on all events and volunteer opportunities at CWES

All information is kept private.  A secure login to our parent portal will be provided to you once we review your information.

Click here to get the App!
Search the directory for families and faculty, view the calendar and signup for events and activities.

All members of our Cogburn Woods Parent Teacher Organization (CWE PTO) can login to our directory online or on their smartphone.

Use the Parent Login in the menu above or install the app on your phone.