At Cogburn Woods Elementary, students learn through the workshop model in reading, writing, and math. At this time, teachers use Units of Study from Teacher's College Reading and Wrting Project for reading and writing. Teachers and students engage in project based learning in science and social studies.
All state standards can be found by clicking this link.
How can you help your student at home?
- Set up a quiet work space for homework and reading.
- Encourage 20 minutes of reading daily (to self, sister or brother, or even a pet).
- Set up a space for TAKE HOME FOLDER to be left for family to review.
- Log onto FCS Classlink to access online resources. (login: FCS Student ID# password: Student Bday (mm/dd/yyyy)).
How can you stay connected with communication?
- Activate and check BLOOMZ accounts.
- Activate and check student grades through INFINITE CAMPUS.
How can you stay connected with the CWES community?
- Attend school wide and classroom parent university or meetings.
- Get invovled with PTO or attend PTO events.